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시그리스빌 (Sigriswil) (Full Ver.) - 김경희 (Kim Kyung Hee of 에이프릴세컨드/April 2nd) [Crash Landing on You OST]

Just for a while, I'm pretending like I'm still in the place we were I was there for you you were there for me we know Day will come and go again No matter where No matter how Wandering about in strange night Won't you be here by me? Now I hold your hands With you I feel alright (How does it feel?) It's been a long day or night How does it feel my friend? It's been a long day or night Just for a night I dreamed about the times we had back in the day I was there for you You were there for me We know

Source: genie


  1. What's the name this song? I did not found.

    1. Kim Kyoung Hee (April 2nd) - Sigriswill

  2. Tried to look for this song for a long time till now!!!!.. Very cool!!

    1. Hello,

      It just officially released and this song and the drama are really great! ^^

      Thanks for visiting my blog :)


  3. Do we have the full lyrics... I guess there is are words in different language in between

    1. Hello,

      according to my sources, it's the lyrics of the Full Version. If there's any further update, I'll update them here, too.

      Thanks for visiting my blog :)


    2. casi me da una depresión cuando dijo que eso era inglés y no lograba entenderle nada. Pero luego pensé que en realidad si le entendía el principio así que definitivamente no es inglés

  4. What's the language of this song?

    1. Hello,

      It's English.

      Thanks for visiting my blog :)


    2. If you think this is all in English you're nuts. There's definitely some other language mixed in there.

    3. As I said on the other comment, according to my sources, it's the lyrics of the full version and they're all in English. As for the other language on the song, let's wait for the official update. So, if there's any further information, I'll update them here, too.

      Thank you!

  5. Is Kim Kyung Hee the writer or singer of the song? Thanks so much. Love the song although I can understand only the English portion of the song.

    1. Hello,

      According to my source, Kim Kyung Hee is the writer, composer, arranger also the singer of this song. Yes, this is a great song but unfortunately they're only update the English lyrics. But if there's further information later, I'll update them here.

      Thank you for vising my blog :)


  6. Hi, thanks for the lyrics. Love from India 😊

    1. Hi,

      You're welcome and thanks for visiting my blog. 😉


  7. Replies
    1. Hi Mark,

      It's 'Sigriswil' or in romanization 'shigeuriseubil.'

      Thanks for visiting my blog :)


    2. no, definitivamente no es francés , estoy muy segura. y no me suena que sea portugués

    3. estoy muy seguro que es romanche

  8. This is not the full lyrics. There's a stanza or two in another language, my thinking is it might be Swiss or could be Portuguese(?). Let's all do the research pls.

    1. Replying to my own message: Sigriswill is in Switzerland, so the foreign languages in the song could French. But it does sound like Portuguese though. Let's keep searching. I badly want to know and sing that part of the song with the foreign sound because it's what's making the song very interesting for me. Thanks guys.

    2. Hello,

      Thank you for your help in research about the missing lyrics. I've asked the singer too in hope that they'll reply to me or giving the details about the lyrics. So let's hope they'll reply to my comment even thought it's only 0,000000000001% chance of getting any reply since there's a lot of fans who sent them a comment, too. Also, as I checked on YouTube, people said there's no lyrics and some said the lyrics is in Portuguese, some said in Norwegian. But I can't confirm it, too, just in case it might be wrong. So we didn't know the language of the missing lyrics until the singer or the lyricist confirmed it by themselves. Hope they'll confirm it soon.

      Thank you for your help and thanks for visiting my blog 😉


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Hi, I'm another person, but just to let you know, that is NOT Portuguese. I'm Brazilian and I'm as confused as you are.

  9. hi, if you have updates about the other language present in the song lyrics please reach out. I really loved the whole song, thanks!

    1. Hello,

      Sure, I'll post here when I have the update about the song lyrics. But so far, we can't find the right lyrics. Thanks for visiting my blog 😉

      Stay safe and take care,

  10. Love this song so much 😭💗

  11. I think the non-English part is bärndütsch.

  12. I am looking for a live version of this song.

  13. let them know if they find the lyrics in that mysterious language, I've been looking for it for weeks, please. :) ♡

  14. CI sarà certo una parte in coreano! Sono canzoni bellissime ed è molto strano che NON VI SIA UN VIDEO del cantante!

  15. I could be wrong, but i am trying to figure out the chorus lyrics So far the parts ive been able to figure out is she says "De yoro Sakki Yo" which translates from Japanese to "It's been a While" followed by something that sounds like "Kiyome Wa Komyo" which is roughly translated "Cleansing is a Light"
    Which the singer sounds like they switch to english shortly after and saying I'm Falling" followed by something else, then what sounds like "I don't feel the same" (Could totally be wrong on this one) there is a part that also sounds like "Seek Me" toward the end of the chorus. The english parts in this chorus may not be english but sound like familiar words to me.

    If anyone wishes to help me work on these and figure it out please do, i really would love to understand the full lyrics and sing them.

    I believe the first part of the chorus says "Biyoki o Chiryo no" in japanese means "Of treating Illness" . The chorus part is beginning to sound like it is saying being away made me sick, but seeing you is like a cleansing light.

    1. Hey I've been looking for the language and the exact lyrics as well. No luck so far. But I'm fairly certain that it's less likely to be in Japanese. It'll most likely have some connection to Switzerland or North or South Korea.

  16. hi, i'm looking for the words lyrice in korean in the middle of the song, not just the English, the korean as well, and i can't find it anywhere?
    who knows the chorus in Korean? that word nok nok? what does it meens?
    Thank you veryyyyy much 🙏💐

  17. I watched the movie and became mesmerized by the song 'Sigriswil'. It is just beautiful to listen to and captures ones attention and is healing in its beauty. Kyunghee Kim you are a truly talented and an awesome singer. I am a Lakota from South Dakota, USA and began watching K drama movies during this epidemic winter and fully enjoyed this movie and others. The Korean culture is very interesting. I learned alot and gained respect for this culture. There are points along the way where my spiritual culture intersects with Korean customs.


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